Message from the President
Founded in April 2010, AALIMS reached a milestone at its third anniversary. As a sign of becoming an established organization, we have experienced our first “change of the guard.”
AALIMS-Yale Conference on the Political Economy of the Muslim World

Program: Coming soon
Presentations: View presenters and their papers
Marwa Khaboor (
All sessions are free and open to the public, but pre-registration is required.
2020 Annual Conference Organizing Committee
Timur Kuran (Duke University)
Mushfiq Mobarak (Yale University)
Elizabeth Nugent (Yale University), Chair
Day 1: Friday, April 10, 2020
12:30-2:00 LUNCH BREAK
2:00-4:15 Political Effects of Islamic Institutions
Chair: Timur Kuran (Duke University)
Duman Bahrami-Rad (Harvard University),
“Keeping It in the Family: Female Inheritance, Inmarriage, and the Status of Women”
Amaney Jamal (Princeton University),
“Leaving the Poor Behind: The Roots and Consequences of Economic Segregation”
Samuel Bazzi (Boston University), Masyhur Hilmy (Boston University) and Benjamin Marx (Sciences Po),
“Islam and the State: Religious Education in the Age of Mass Schooling”
4:15-4:30 BREAK
4:30-6:00 Long Term Effects of Colonization
Chair: Thomas Pepinsky (Cornell University)
Fahad Sajid (University of Chicago), and Adria Lawrence (Johns Hopkins University),
“Colonial State-Building Revisited: Insights from British India and French Algeria ”
Allison Spencer Hartnett (Yale University), Nicholas J. Lotito (Yale University), and Elizabeth Nugent (Yale University),
“Internal Occupation: Colonial Origins of Coercion in Egypt”
Day 2: Saturday, April 11, 2020
8:45-10:15 Public Discourse
Chair: Jean-Paul Carvalho (University of California, Irvine)
Fotini Christia (Massachusetts Institute of Technology),
“Violence and Patterns of Communication in Yemen”
Alexandra Siegel (Stanford University), and Jennifer Pan (Stanford University),
“How Saudi Crackdowns Fail to Silence Online Dissent” Slides
10:15-10:45 BREAK
10:45-1:00 Gender
Chair: Amaney Jamal (Princeton University)
Steven Brooke (University of Wisconsin), and Gabriel Koehler-Derrick (Harvard University),
“Coercive Agricultural Institutions and Violence Against Women” Appendix
Saad Gulzar (Stanford University), Muhammad Yasir Khan (University of California, Berkeley), and Luke Sonnet (University of California, Los Angeles)
“Belief Correction and Spillovers in Social Networks: An Experiment on Female Political Participation in Pakistan”
Khusrav Gaibulloev (American University of Sharjah), Gerel Oyun (independent scholar), and Javed Younas (American University of Sharjah),
“Impact of Terrorism on Child Sex at Birth: Evidence from Pakistan”
1:00-2:45 LUNCH
2:45-4:15 Economics and Violence
Chair: Fotini Christia (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Emine Deniz (University of Chicago),
“Political Economy of Conflict: Evidence from Turkey”
Paula Lopez-Pena and Mushfiq Mobarak (Yale University),
“The Economic Impact of the Rohingya Refugee Crisis on Host Communities in Bangladesh”
Nicola Limodio (Bocconi University)
“Terrorism Financing, Recruitment and Attacks” Slides