Message from the President

Founded in April 2010, AALIMS reached a milestone at its third anniversary. As a sign of becoming an established organization, we have experienced our first “change of the guard.”

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Data on Punjab schools released


The LEAPS (Learning and Achievement in Punjab Schools) education project is an ongoing study of public and private primary education in Pakistan. The study is designed to survey the educational universe in over a hundred randomly selected rural villages in Punjab, the largest state in Pakistan. As of 2007, LEAPS includes four rounds of detailed school, household, and teacher surveys for 800 schools, 2,000 households and over 5,000 teachers. We also developed tests in Mathematics, Urdu and English that have been administered to the same 12,000 children over a four year period. This data is unique in that it provides a complete picture of the education system by linking information on the universe of public and private schools with detailed surveys of teachers, parents and children tracked between third and sixth grade. In 2006-2007 a new sample of 13,000 third graders was added to the project. The LEAPS project also includes two program evaluations based on randomly allocated treatments. The two treatments are (i) the provision of child and school-level information regarding learning achievement to parents and schools and (ii) increasing local control of schools through parent-teacher school councils working with an NGO. The evaluation of these treatments is currently in progress.