Program: TBD
Location: Princeton University
Organizing Committee
Amaney Jamal (Princeton University), chair
Timur Kuran (Duke University)
Elizabeth Nugent (Princeton University)
Day 1: April 11, 2025
8:30-10:45 Session 1 (Three Papers)
Chair: Elizabeth Nugent (Princeton University)
10:45-11:00 BREAK
11:00-12:30 Session 2 (Two Papers)
Chair: Tahir Andrabi (Pomona College)
12:30-1:15 Book Talk
Chair: Timur Kuran (Duke University)
Paul Seabright (Toulouse School of Economics)
“The Divine Economy: How Religions Compete for Wealth, Power, and People”
1:15-2:30 LUNCH
2:30-4:00 Regime support and opposition
Chair: Thomas Pepinsky (Cornell University)
Killian Clarke (Georgetown University)
“The Dust Does Not Settle: Protest in the Aftermath of Revolution”
Tarek Masoud (Harvard University) and Aytug Sasmaz (Bryn Mawr College)
“Faith, Secularism and Democracy: Unpacking the Role of Religiosity in Turkish Regime Preferences”
4:00-4:15 BREAK
4:15-5:45 Social desirability bias and representation
Chair: Asli Cansunar (University of Washington)
Sarah Mansour (Cairo University) and Mazen Hassan (Cairo University)
“Religious Licensing: Experimental Evidence”
Carolyn Barnett (University of Arizona)
“Men Won’t Go for That: Overestimates of Gender Bias as an Obstacle to Women’s Political Representation”
Day 2: April 12, 2025
9:00-11:15 Religious minorities and inter-group bias
Chair: Jean-Paul Carvalho (University of Oxford)
Ashrakat Elshehawy (Stanford University)
“Religious Minorities and Public Good Provision in 19th and early 20th Century Egypt”
Asli Cansunar (University of Washington) and Efe Tokdemir (Bilkent University)
“Who Gets Punished: Inter-Group Bias and Behavioral Consequences of Conflict”
Nicholas Kuipers (Princeton University), Gareth Nellis (UCSD), and Drew Stommes (New York University)
“Prejudice Reduction at Scale: How Education Undermines Intergroup Conflict”
11:15-11:30 BREAK
11:30-1:00 Muslim immigrants
Chair: Fotini Christia (MIT)
Maleke Fourati (University of French Polynesia) and Danielle Hayek
“Are Muslim immigrants really different? Experimental Evidence from Lebanon and Australia”
Nafeesa Andrabi (University of Southern California)
“Does county-level sociopolitical context matter for health among immigrant Muslim mothers”
1:00-1:45 Photo and lunch
1:45-4:00 Online political mobilization
Chair: Amaney Jamal (Princeton University)
Alexandra Siegel (University of Colorado)
“Co-optation and Coercion of Online Influencers: Evidence from Saudi Wikipedia”
Richard Nielsen (MIT)
“Fighting War with Divine Intervention”
Elizabeth Nugent (Princeton University)
“Exile and the Internet”