Date: April 19-20, 2024
Program: View PDF
Location: Harvard University (S010, TSAI Auditorium, CGIS South)
Organizing Committee
Melani Cammett (Harvard University), chair
Asim Khwaja (Harvard University)
Timur Kuran (Duke University)
Tarek Masoud (Harvard University)
Day 1: April 19, 2024
8:30-10:45 State and Civil Society
Chair: Melani Cammett (Harvard University) and David Patel (Harvard University)
Tiffany Simon (Princeton University)
“Circuses [and Bread]: Political Satisfaction and the Provision of Public Goods Related to Happiness and Well-Being in the Gulf”
Elizabeth K. Parker-Magyar (MIT)
“Workplace Networks and Civil Society in Autocracies: Evidence from Jordan”
Daniel A. N. Goldstein (University of Oslo) and Yusuf Magiya (NYU Abu Dhabi)
“Bargaining over State Building in the Shadow of War”
10:45-11:15 BREAK
11:15-12:45 Norms and Traditions
Chair: Thomas Pepinsky (Cornell University)
Mohammad Isaqzadeh (Harvard University)
“Religious Traditions and Coping with War and Displacement: Evidence from a Field Experiment with Afghan Refugees”
Ashrakat Elshehawy (Stanford University)
“Missionaries on the Nile: Exposure to Protestant Missionaries and Women’s Developmental Outcomes and Social Norms in Egypt”
12:45-1:45 LUNCH
1:45-4:00 Identities
Chair: Timur Kuran (Duke University)
Oliver Lang (University of Wisconsin, Madison), Alexandra Blackman (Cornell University), Steven Brooke (University of Wisconsin, Madison), and Gabriel Koehler-Derrick (NYU – Abu Dhabi)
“Tribal Voting in New Democracies: Evidence from 6 Million Tunisian Voter Records”
Aslı Cansunar (University of Washington), and Berfin Baydar (Duke University)
“Homogenizing the High Street: The Demographic Engineering of the Economic Elite Through Taxation”
Thomas Pepinsky (Cornell University), Joel C. Kuipers (George Washington University), and Nicholas Kuipers (National University of Singapore)
“Ethnicity, Politics, and the Rise of Religious Identity: Evidence from Indonesian Names”
4:00-4:30 BREAK
4:30-6:00 Economic Development
Chair: Asim Khwaja (Harvard University)
Kareem Haggag (UCLA) and Adam Osman (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)
“Expanding Access to Finance Through Micro-Equity”
Adeel Malik (University of Oxford) and Rinchan Ali Mirza (University of Kent)
“Canals and the Political Economy of Development”
Day 2: April 20, 2024
9:00-11:15 Family
Chair: Jean-Paul Carvalho (University of Oxford)
Elizabeth Nugent (Princeton University), Alexandra Domike Blackman (Cornell University), Nicholas J. Lotito (Princeton University), and Daniel L. Tavana (Pennsylvania State University)
“All in the Family? Political Socialization and the Legacies of State Violence”
Tuğba Bozçağa (King’s College London), Rabia Kutlu (Stanford University), and Aytuğ Şaşmaz (Bryn Mawr College)
“When Incumbent Mayors Affect Representativeness: The (Re)emergence of Kinship Ties in Local Councils”
Farhan Majid (University of Pennsylvania) and Rakesh Banerjee (University of Exeter)
“Parental Response to Fetal Shocks and Macroeconomic Volatility”
11:15-11:45 BREAK
11:45- 1:15 Data
Chair: Lisa Blaydes (Stanford University)
Melani Cammett (Harvard University), Gabriel Koehler-Derrick (NYU Abu Dhabi) and Allison Hartnett (USC)
“MENAHDA dataset”
Fotini Christia (MIT) and Aidan J. Miliff (Florida State University, Tallahassee)
“Who Flees? A Big-Data Approach to the Determinants of Forced Migration”
1:15-1:45 LUNCH
1:45-3:15 Political Economy of Religion
Chair: Melani Cammett (Harvard University)
Nathanael Sumaktoyo (National University of Singapore)
“The Broader Political Significance of Houses of Worship: Theory and Evidence from Indonesian Mosques”
David Patel (Harvard University)
“The Market for Ayatollahs: Competition and Religious Authority Between Najaf and Qom”